UTM builder management platform from Campaign Trackly right now

campaign link tracking solutions by Campaign Trackly right now: Start small and add more tags, team members or new teams as needed. Limit library, campaign or tag creation access with a push of the button. Standardize UTM tag use with our easy rules for formatting, naming conventions, and more. Prevent tagging errors across users through a few simple steps. Keep a log of who created specific links and more. Cut down on your UTM tagging time by 500%! Add in seconds as many channels, content & term UTM parameters as you need. Use, re-use, or delete them in one click. Need to bulk-tag? Your wish is our command! Discover more details on https://www.campaigntrackly.com/. Easy & reliable: No codes to type or remember. Replace disparate UTM link tasks with templates and consistent link tracking across channels.

The Ultimate URL Builder & Link Management Solution for Your Marketing Campaigns

Add New Tags While You Tag: We recommend pre-defining all your tags in Settings, but sometimes a user needs to add a new tag while they are tagging the links in the dashboard. We will make sure that all the right formatting is kept in place and all new tags are safely added in Settings for consistency. One-Click Social Sharing for Buffer, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Share tagged links on Buffer: Once your tracking links are generated, you can instantly share each individual link on Buffer to save time (Requires that user has a Buffer account).

Step 1: Sign up for free. No credit card required. 14 days full access and then a forever-free account with limited access. (1 min) 5% Step 2: Define Standardization Rules in Account Settings>Standardize Tags. (5 min). Step 3: Use our Tracking Workbook to define your tag groups and populate values. Update your final link architecture. Create your templates. Export your tag values in .CSV files. (90 min). Step 4: Go to the Tag Library to upload all your UTM and Custom tags from the CSV files you created. (15 min). Step 5: Create campaign templates. You are now ready to start building links. (15 Min).

Day-to-day Operations Benefits: Streamline Tagging Processes, Reduce Number of Touch Points, Improve Accuracy & Save on Resources. Grab any link – on any web page, while building an email, or inside a PDF – with a single click action. Your tagging dashboard opens instantly to let you tag. Benefits: Eliminate typing, pasting, having to go to our site or navigate between multiple websites. (Chrome Extension required) Process Multiple Links in One Go: Need to process more than one link? Our bulk-import function works right in your tagging dashboard – with both our single-link or multiple-link options. Benefits: Upload file from your computer in seconds. Eliminate typing, copying, pasting or the need to navigate between applications or sites.

Marketers today promote thousands of digital links across multiple channels and places. They need to be able to track their efforts in a scalable and effective way. Measuring the campaign-level impact at the brand, vendor, channel, placement, and asset level needs to be well orchestrated and governed to ensure data accuracy drives optimal budget and engagement decisions. Getting timely insights on the spend and impact of a Social Media, Email, or any other channel shouldn’t be a convoluted and tedious process. Discover additional information at Campaign Trackly.

SalesForce: Integrate your Campaign Object with multiple fields – receive and send info to/from CampaignTrackly with an automated mapping that requires zero manual effort. Integrate CampaignTrackly with HubSpot both ways, plus build trackable links right in your email environment without ever leaving it! Automate the way you build UTM tracking links without leaving your email platform – no manual work, copying or pasting! Just right-click and go! Now we have also integrated our email UTM builder with Active campaign, so you can build trackable links without leaving your email editor for this platform as well! The CampaignTrackly API is available to all paid subscribers for an additional fee. Please contact us at support@campaign-trackly.com to discuss pricing, features, and customizations.