Latest luxury brands advertising impact today from Barbara Jarabik

Barbara Jarabik: What Are Luxury Brands? A luxury brand is a label or trademark associated with high-end, expensive products. Luxury goods and services are often perceived as exclusive, and they command a premium price point. Although the definition of luxury varies from person to person, luxury brands are generally associated with a certain lifestyle or set of values. For example, a luxury car might be seen as a status symbol, while a luxury watch might be seen as a sign of success. After all, their customers expect nothing but the best, and they’re not afraid to spend money to get it. So what’s the key to a successful luxury marketing strategy? We’ll take a look at some of the most important factors here.

Barbara Jarabik

It needs to look and feel the part: Sure, the price can be hundreds or thousands of dollars, but does it feel and look that way? When you hold a Louis Vuitton purse, drive a BMW, or wear a Rolex, it doesn’t feel like it’s your average product. The attention to detail, materials, and engineering all make these products worth their price point to the correct audience. Imagine trying on a watch. The bracelet jingles, it’s flimsy and looks like something you’d buy at the dollar store. That’s not luxury. The 18k gold and diamonds instantly make this model look expensive and luxurious. You don’t have to question whether it’s a high value product or not. The appearance, weight, materials, and everything used to create it tell you the whole story.

For luxury brands, the Internet does not represent wider distribution of actual products. It’s a wider distribution of the content that evokes the desire to buy luxury products. Translated to the offline world, effective digital marketing is like running more advertisements on buses, or more TV ads, or having more stores in Central London. Exclusivity can be created online through private member groups, concierge services, or digitally-delivered loyalty perks that are reserved specifically for previous customers.

You’ve written ads to catch the eyes of affluent searchers. You’ve negated keyword modifiers that imply discounted pricing. Now let’s dive into income-based geo targeting. This is another truly phenomenal way to cut wasted spend and ensure the ads you’re paying for end up in front of the right people. How do you make that happen? Simple. According to Google, income-based location targeting is “based on publicly available data from the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), advertisers are able to target ads to certain areas according to their average household income.” When you created a customer profile, detailing your ideal consumer, average household income was probably something you considered. It’s part of how you determine what you sell and how you sell it. Now you can leverage IRS data to help you to discover and advertise to these fine folks. And the best part? You can layer income-based targeting with your other location targeting for maximal effect. This means you don’t have to wholly exclude areas that fall outside of those designated as having higher household incomes; you can create separate campaigns (ensuring your budget is skewed towards geos in which the likelihood of your ideal prospects living there is greater) or just use bid adjustments.

Barbara Jarabik

“Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently (why Apple exists). The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly (How Apple achieve their why). We just happen to make great computers (What Apple do).” Communicating the story behind your products, and explaining the values that define a luxury brand, is fundamental to effective luxury marketing. Aston Martin do a great job telling the story of their brand heritage on all of their product pages and digital content. By explaining that your brand represents an assurance of luxury, quality, performance, style, or whatever value you stand by, you will find it easier generating advocacy for your brand online. Find extra information at

Digital signage mirrors are another way for luxury brands to advertise efficiently : The global digital signage mirrors market was estimated at USD 780 million in 2021. The world market is expected to grow steady at a CAGR of 12.21% to reach USD 910 million by 2023. Digital signage mirrors can greatly increase individual efficiency by choosing outfits as per weather updates while also offering bus and train schedules (including traffic updates). Digital signage mirrors in smart homes, planes, commercial spaces, hotels, etc. are designed to be connected to users as well as with different devices around. Energy efficiency is one of the major advantages that will drive the adoption of digital signage mirrors.