Cheap FFXIV Gil online store? Let’s circle back to those clusters (e.g. Cracked Dendroclusters and Cracked Anthoclusters). Not to be confused with elemental Clusters used in crafting (e.g. Fire Clusters, Wind Clusters, etc.) these are traded in at any Materia Vendor for, well… Materia. Though the type you get from Adventurer in Need bonuses only give you combat Materia. This is typically less valuable than crafting and gathering Materia, because it’s so damn easy to acquire, but that just means you can sell the Materia en masse to other players. Especially right before or after a major patch that adds content like a new raid. As a general rule of thumb: buy and sell the highest possible grade of Savage Aim Materia. Most Materia is useful, but this is the most popular flavor since it enhances Critical Hit. This is a universally useful and potent combat stat. As such, players often max it out before “pentamelding” other stats into endgame gear. Read additional information on Cheap FFXIV Gil.
Sell Unhidden Leather Maps. Do not do these maps. The reward is almost never worth it. However, they sell for a lot, so they are completely worth selling on the market board. Set all treasure maps as a favorite on the market board. You can buy treasure maps to complete. Sometimes the low level ones sell for nothing and they almost always earn a profit. If you are in the mood to run maps, check prices and buy the ones you want to do. Even server hop to see if other worlds have them for a better price. You can even do them on that server as you buy them! Gardening can be a very stable moneymaker. Once you have an established pattern going, it’s very easy to maintain, while providing a stable income, which rarely fluctuates negatively.
Despite long queue times and heavily populated servers, players have also been extremely kind to “sprouts,” or newcomers, like me. One party was extremely patient with me as I tried to figure out the Return command for a certain dungeon. And others have given nice tips in party activities, commended my efforts, or just shared a dance or a wave at folks going by. From the sample size I’ve seen, it’s a generally nice community.
It’s fascinating that Final Fantasy 14’s player base has remained mostly positive in the face of all this. Look over at the Battlefield community to see a gaming subsection in utter meltdown, lashing out at developers and generally causing strife in Battlefield 2042 itself with suicidal plane crashes and more. That’s not to say there aren’t certain toxic subsections of Final Fantasy 14’s player base however (Yoshida basically told them to shut up in a recent radio show appearance), but on the whole, you stand a far greater chance of encountering positive, welcoming players in Final Fantasy 14 than the vocally toxic minority. With the server issues Square’s MMO is facing, it’s a minor miracle the entire fanbase hasn’t got the pitchforks out.
The experience of actually getting in to play Final Fantasy XIV has been that: either learning to love it when it’s available, or having enough patience and persistence to hold a spot in line, like I’m queuing up for new sneakers or a graphics card. But that’s the outside, client-side of Final Fantasy XIV. That’s me getting out the door and putting the keys in the ignition. So what’s it like once I’m in? It is, to put it simply, exactly what people have been saying about it for years.
Note that it’s pretty much impossible to talk about Gil farming in FFXIV without talking about Disciples of the Hand and Land. These are the crafters and gatherers of FFXIV — your Miner, Botanist, Weaver, Alchemist, etc. These Jobs are the chief method of making money from other players. They’re not the only way, but this guide will incorporate a mix of crafting, gathering, and combat tips. Context should make it fairly obvious which cases require a crafter or Gatherer versus a combat Job, but we’ll try to clarify where necessary. Read even more info at