Windshield auto glass mobile repair tricks

Top auto glass rock chip repair services Colorado Springs, CL: Should I repair or Replace the windshield? Chips and cracks in a windshield or vehicle windows are some of the more common repairs that send customers into repair shops. Without proper repair, small scratches, nicks and cracks can easily develop into larger, and ultimately more expensive repairs. Not to mention the safety concerns that arise when a driver’s vision is impaired by a large crack. So, if you notice a crack or chip in the glass of your vehicle, we recommend getting the repair done sooner rather than later to avoid more issues down the road. In the past, having a chipped or cracked windshield meant that you would certainly need to have it replaced. However, modern-day auto glass repair makes windshields more repairable depending on the size, location and the severity of the damage. When deciding whether to repair or replace your damaged auto glass, it is helpful to understand the differences between repair and replacement. However, it is best to ask your local auto body and glass repair shop for a professional recommendation.

You’re driving down the highway when suddenly – BANG – a rock smacks into the windshield, chipping the glass. You instantly start thinking about repairing or replacing your windshield. Before having either service performed, you must understand what aftercare is required for your safety and positive long-term results. If your windshield is chipped, you may be able to repair it rather than replace it. In general, chips smaller than 3/8 inch and cracks less than three inches long qualify for a repair. The damaged area must also not reach the edge of the windshield or land directly in the driver’s line of sight to be eligible. Discover additional info on

Windshield repair kits offer convenience, as well. The entire process usually takes fewer than 2 hours to complete, with curing time accounting for up to 90% of the project. Although you’re guaranteed a pristine windshield from an auto glass repair shop, you may have to wait a bit longer. While small car windshield chips are rarely dangerous, some can spread into spiderweb cracks, particularly with extreme changes in temperature. (San Antonio offers the ideal climate for those types of windshield cracks to thrive, as temperatures can fluctuate drastically during the winter months.) A quick DIY patch of your windshield chip can prevent that type of damage from occurring.

Have a cracked or chipped windshield? Don’t wait to have it fixed! Whether your vehicle requires quick repairs or a full window or windshield replacement, the expert technicians at Only Top Notch Auto Glass can help. Our mission is to ensure customer satisfaction with every visit. If you need fast auto glass repair at a competitive price, we’re the glass company for you! What Can Top Notch Auto Glass Do For You? Fix your windshield’s small chip or crack before it gets worse with a one-stop windshield repair today.

Levy says to ask the shops if they use original equipment glass, which is usually of higher quality and fits better. Also, she suggested asking how long the car should sit after the installation is complete. “If they say you can take the car right away, you should run in the opposite direction,” Levy says. A car should sit at least one hour before being driven and sometimes up to 12 hours, she says.