Premium eBook submission services

Book distribution tricks for unknown and established authors? Get Your Book Edited: Professional editing is a must. No book is perfect, but editorial assistance can help you get a lot closer. There are a lot of different kinds of edits, so be sure you know which you need before you hire an editor. Developmental editors check your book for flow and consistency. They suggest revisions when something about the language doesn’t seem right. Copyeditors correct spelling mistakes and adjust grammar. Editors are necessary in the self-publishing process.

Kindle Version: In addition to your printed version, you might consider offering a Kindle ebook for sale. The price to convert your book is a one-time cost, and Amazon makes it easy to sell your Kindle version. Amazon only sells Kindle ebooks, they do not sell iPad or Nook. You can make an iPad version of your book, but submitting to the iBookstore is difficult without assistance from a third-party aggregator.

Mind your own business. Author Stephanie Bond, who has had her work published both traditionally and independently, told USA Today that writers need to learn about more than just writing: To this day, when aspiring writers ask me what courses they should take — English? Creative writing? Should they pursue their master’s in fine arts?—I tell them they should take business classes. (I’m such a killjoy.) But I see so many people with talent who flounder in their careers because they’re not prepared for all the business decisions they have to make before and after they sell a book—how to get a good agent, how to recognize a fair offer, and how to hold out for what they want. And making money is only part of it. A writer also has to know how to manage and invest their money. To be a writer is to run your own business. And if you don’t mind your business, no one else will.

E-Book – POD/Print – Audio – Marketing – Misc. – everything you need for success. Please order online by clicking the “click here to order now” buttons. We accept all major credit cards and personal checks.. Prices are in USD and will be converted to your currency upon check out. All eBook and POD submissions receive a complimentary copy of our Marketing T.I.P.S 2017 Booklet. This digital booklet will help guide your marketing efforts for a successful outcome! New Services are now available for Truly Indie Authors! Just hop over to the next column and scroll down a bit. Give us a call if you have any questions. See extra info at Self Publishing.

First Edition Design Publishing currently accepts academic, poetry, novels and non-fiction. We also publish children’s books in various sizes, including landscape 11 x 8.5. Please visit our FAQ’s for proper format requirements. We accept orders from over 92 countries. We strategically have 12 print houses worldwide to meet all your shipping needs. If your book is specialized, we will place it into distribution venues geared specifically for your book. As an example, we have venues that specialize in genre specific areas such as Academic, Sci-Fi, Crime, Poetry, etc. We do not just send your title through an automated computer generating process, ALL pages of every title are reviewed and worked manually with human eyes. All languages are welcome for submission including Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese. All languages are welcome, however we will request an independent third party to verify content which is done at a nominal fee. We have the Largest Distribution in the Industry Worldwide.