Recruiting & sourcing services Pittsburgh

If you are looking for local SEO services services in Pittsburgh you are in the right place! We will discuss about digital marketing trends of 2019-2020 and we will introduce you to a professional internet marketing service provider in Pittsburgh.

Visual search can take the user experience to a totally new level: People can upload an image to conduct a search and get more specific results. Not surprisingly, Pinterest has jumped on the visual search bandwagon. They came out with Lens, a visual search tool that allows users to take a photo of an item to find out where to buy it online, search for similar products or view pinboards of related items. As Marketing Land puts it, it turns your phone’s camera into a search bar. Since the launch of the beta version, Pinterest’s Lens now recognizes 2.5 billion home and fashion objects, has inspired over 600 million searches on Pinterest’s mobile apps and browser extensions, and has seen a 140% uptick from launch day. Pinterest has continued to update its functionality: They introduced Pincodes, a QR code-type technology that enables you to find inspiration while you’re out shopping or flipping through your favorite magazines. They launched Lens Your Look to take the guesswork out of outfit planning. They partnered with brands like Samsung to bring visual search to its latest smartphones and Target to allow customers to search their catalog using related products they see in the real world. They’ve fully automated Shop the Look, a feature that helps users buy products from companies that work with Pinterest, so you can, for example, buy a pair of jeans you see in a picture.11)

Instant messengers are the latest communication trend. There are 1.5 billion people globally using WhatsApp on a monthly basis, followed by Facebook Messenger and WeChat. If you want to be where your audience is, enter instant messaging marketing. Most popular global messenger apps, based on the number of monthly users. Source: Statista. This type of digital marketing exploded over the last couple of years. People are much more likely to trust the information sent via a messenger (as if it comes from a good friend) than email or SMS that are vulnerable to spam. An example of messages from a marketing consultant Matthew Barby, sent via a Facebook bot. There are different ways how you can proceed with instant messaging marketing, from using them for customer support to updating your users about new posts on your blog. But just like with any other digital marketing type, before diving right in, I’d recommend that you develop a strategy first. Discover more info on Internet Marketing Pittsburgh.

Since Google dominates the results that businesses get from search engine marketing our summary of the search trends here focuses on Google. Carolanne Mangles reported for us back in August on some of the biggest changes Google made in 2018, many of which will be deployed and evolve in 2019. The most obvious change is the launch of the Google Marketing Platform which saw AdWords renamed to Ads and the Doubleclick ad platform and analysis tools like Google Analytics, Data Studio, and AB testing through data studio more tightly integrated. For organic search the update to keep an eye on in 2019 is Google’s Speed Update which penalizes slower sites and was released after months of trials. While this will initially only affect the slowest sites, from past experience, we can expect Google will change the weighting on the algorithm to affect more sites that don’t improve their speed within time.

In a digital world, first impressions are vital and an outstanding web design is the key to success. Users enjoy visiting sites that are aesthetically appealing and easy to navigate. Let our team help your site make an outstanding first impression with speed and accessibility. Our agency will get your business noticed in the digital world by using design ingenuity for creating brand personality with a long-lasting impact. We provide various customizable design sets and focus on creating a website to fit your brand while engaging your visitors. Our team presents, revises and collaborates with you until we finalize the perfect design for your needs. Contact Info: Jon Crain Pittsburgh SEO Services,, 882 Pennsylvania Ave Coraopolis, PA 15108, Tel:4122507965, Email: