Picking the transporting van size when moving between towns plus cleaning recommendations

Also worth considering is what you actually have in your new home. Is anything being left (carpets/curtains/furniture etc.), is there fitted storage etc..? For example – if you’re moving from a house with all fitted wardrobes, and the new house has none, then you will need somewhere to hang your clothes asap – you may therefore want to invest in some rails for the interim while you decide on suitable furniture etc. Or if you are leaving the curtains in your old house, you will definitely need some sort of window covering at least on the bedrooms windows in the new house (it may be worth asking them if it’s possible for them to leave certain curtains for you). It will be worth making a shopping list and getting things sorted ahead of time, I’m sure you agree! Moving house costs. A lot. Why would you want to add to this cost by paying to move things you don’t use or need? We all have items in our house that have long been forgotten – usually ending up in the garage, loft or shed, but they could be lurking anywhere. Before you start your packing is the perfect time to go through everything and have a good sort out. Moving is a fresh start, so the last thing you want to take with you are things that you don’t need or use any longer. Decluttering before you sell means that you only move what you really need – and you will not only save money by doing so, but you will also save time in the new house by not having to unpack and deal with all that stuff in the future. I call that a win-win!

Valuables and paperwork are essentials for you and your home, and it’s often worth packing these up and moving them with you rather than letting the removals company move them – just so you have them to hand and they don’t get lost. Remember you are not limited to colors, shapes or themes. But it can be fun to get food stickers for the kitchen, pet stickers for your pets things, flowers or frilly ones for the girls and trucks or sports for the boys. Keep in mind this is supposed to be a fun way to get the kids involved and keep them interested in their move. Have them place the stickers in the same area on each box in a visible area so that when moving day arrives it is easy for the movers to see. You will be amazed at how quickly this will help your move go if all boxes are clearly labeled and ready to go. If you have time you can have them create their labels out of construction or colored paper.

Go to your rental agency with a general idea of what size of truck you need based on the above estimates, and also provide them with a list of all your large items and the number of each that you have to move. For instance, you might have three couches or two king-sized beds or two fridges to move. Often, larger items or specialty items will require a larger truck and possibly special moving tools. For your upcoming move you have decided to rent a moving truck but have no clue what truck size you should get – Sound like you? If you search the web you will find many references and opinions, some extremely generic (14′ will move 1-2 bedrooms) and others offering a more advanced opinion (12 ft. truck = 450 cu. ft.). The problem, we believe at least, lies in the interpretation of information provided – 1-2 bedrooms may mean something completely different in Arizona than in New York City.

For our guests that speak german :

Ein Umzug kostet nicht nur viel Kraft, sondern auch Zeit. Mochte man sich dies ersparen, dann ist man mit einer Umzug Firma bestens beraten. Jeder weiss, wie anstrengend ein Umzug sein kann. Aus diesem Grund entscheiden sich in der heutigen Zeit immer mehr Menschen fur eine Umzug Firma. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Umzugs Firmen sind, die uber eine langjahrige Erfahrung verfugen und professionell arbeiten, dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Sauberkeit bedeutet zur gleichen Zeit auch Wohlfuhlen. Doch haben viele Menschen entweder keine Lust oder Zeit, mehrere Stunden Ihr zu Hause zu putzen. Mit einer einigungsfirma haben Sie die Moglichkeit sich auch ohne Anstrengung uber ein Sauberes zu Hause zu freuen. Zahlreiche Reinigungsfirmen bieten Ihren Service in der Schweiz an. Entscheiden auch Sie sich fur eine professionelle Reinigungsfirma, welche die ganze Arbeit ubernimmt. Lesen Sie mehr auf Umzug und Reinigung Zurich.

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