How to Reduce Sensitivity

Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : When you are hungry, your blood sugar drops, and you can’t concentrate. Moreover, you might even feel dizzy until you eat something. That is how the body works typically but if you find yourself hungry often, research tells that you might be a sensitive person. When you know someone’s watching you or have to compete against someone, your performance drops instantly and surprisingly this habit of continually thinking about what your peers think about you is a sign of sensitivity.

Although there are many positive aspects of being a sensitive person (such as greater ability to listen and affirm, greater empathy and intuitiveness, better understanding of others’ wants and needs, etc.), in this writing we will focus on aspects of high sensitivity which adversely affect one’s health, happiness and success, and often complicate relationships. Below are 24 signs of a highly sensitive person, with excerpts from my books: “Are You Highly Sensitive? How to Gain Immunity, Peace, and Self-Mastery” and “How to Communicate Effectively with Highly Sensitive People”. These traits are organized into three major categories: Sensitivity About Oneself, Sensitivity About Others, and Sensitivity About One’s Environment.

Changing your behavior can also change how you feel. Try doing something positive that will help you feel better. Practice coping skills such as going for a walk, calling a friend, or participating in a hobby. Doing something enjoyable can get your mind off things. Once you feel better, it may be easier to look at the situation another way. When you’re calm, you may be able to see that your mother didn’t set out to hurt your feelings on purpose or that you aren’t at fault for an issue at work. Taking a break from the problem can give you much-needed perspective.

Tears well up in our eyes for a variety of reasons: chopping onions, blinking out a speck of dust or because our eyes are too dry. Of course, we aren’t here to discuss those. Crying is a way of communicating to people around that something is wrong. More info on Why do you cry.

As an HSP, it is possible that you are spending precious time and energy on matters that probably don’t need that level of attention. Try to reflect on the situation to figure out if it is a pressing matter or if it is trivial. Because HSPs pick up on subtle changes, they can sometimes read too much into situations.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Often has bad days that affect eating and/or sleeping habits in an unhealthy way, such as eating or sleeping too much or too little. Often experiences tension or anxiety.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Alternatively, often discusses negative emotions with others because there’s a lot of “drama” in one’s life.

Extremely sensitive people can have traits of insecurity in certain matters. Without presenting it they are very strong in situations; where a normal person may breakdown. While conversing with exceptionally sensitive person you may not be aware you are. Once you are aware, one needs to be a little more cautious and careful to not overwelm their senses. The facial expressions and body language of a sensitive person can be easily recognized by an expert. Extra info about Extremely sensitive person.

Again, although there are many positive qualities to being a highly sensitive person, this article focuses on aspects of high sensitivity which adversely affect one’s happiness and well-being. While some highly sensitive individuals are affected by just one or two of the traits above, others may be overstimulated by more on the list.

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