Tattoos in Colorado Springs, CO

Tattoos and piercings in Colorado Springs? Danielle points out “You’ve got to take into consideration things like which side you mostly sleep on, sleeping on a fresh piercing will obviously hinder the healing process. Therefore, if you plan on having a couple of piercings done in one sitting, we recommend you work on one side first and give it the appropriate time to fully heal before adding to the other ear. This relates to everything on the ear other than lobe piercings, as they tend to heal a little quicker than other areas.”

As a preventative measure, ask your piercer to use a needle, not a “gun. “The ‘gun’ forces the earring through with pressure, so it causes a lot of unnecessary damage to the tissue. It’s also hard to manage the sterilization of a tool with plastic parts,” Smith says, “With a needle, we have more control of accuracy, and it’s totally sterile. It works like a scalpel, making a small incision into the tissue, leaving minimal damage to the area. It’s also a myth that the gun hurts less—if a needle piercing is done properly, the pain is very minor.”

Our equipment is sterilized and the shop is clean and well maintained. This is why you can be sure that the services we offer are safe and hygienic. After your piercing or tattoo, we will show you proper piercing aftercare. We’ll make sure you know how to keep your new piercing clean and protected from any potential infections. Call to make an appointment or visit Living Art Tattoo in Colorado Springs, CO today. Discover additional details on Tattoo shop in Colorado Springs.

Once you understand the basics of the tattooing puzzle, you have a foundation on which to place the rest of your pieces. Understanding the tattoo machine, for example, prepares you to dive more deeply in and start learning about the different types of needles bars and their uses. Realizing the importance of tattoo placement helps you to create your own designs that complement the client’s physique and improve upon your own reputation. Tattooing can be an incredibly rewarding field for those who have the drive to make it their career, and it all starts with grasping the basics and building from there. There are a lot of resources that can help introduce you to the components of tattooing, and from there you may want to start a conversation with an actual tattoo artist to start filling in the gaps of your own knowledge.

Preparing the tattoo: Obviously, once you take the right precautions, you can move forward. Your first purchase, after your drawing and sterilization equipment will be a machine. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get one from a custom builder right away, and you really don’t need it just yet. When you’re starting out you’ll be tuning and tearing down your machines, so get something affordable, but reliable to get your through your first few years. You will also want to make sure that you use high-quality tattoo inks. The carbon-based, American made ink is some of the best on the market. Be careful of cheap ink found on eBay and Amazon as these are made overseas with poor ingredients. We’ve seen people have terrifying reactions to them. Also, do keep in mind that some people have irritations and allergies, so these can play a role in the entire experience too.